These license terms apply to the products you have downloaded from
Freebies & Store section of the website.
Please note that all the licenses are non-exclusive licenses. It means you can use the icons but you do not own them, the proprietary rights remain with Iconka.
You can use the images for personal and non-commercial projects.
The images can’t be used in projects that don’t comply with the law.
The images can’t be used for political projects or campaigns.
I do appreciate it if you can provide a link to whenever possible.
You can use the images in commercial projects where they do not play a key role in getting income.
For example, you can use the images on the website of your company, in your business brochure, in your app design, or use them as free stickers or emojis.
However, if you want to use the images as paid stickers, you need to apply for a Heavy Commercial License.
The images can’t be used in projects that don’t comply with the law.
The images can’t be used for political projects or campaigns.
This license covers the terms of the
Free License as well.
You can use the images in any commercial project, even if they play one of the key roles in getting income.
For example, you can use them as paid stickers in your app, or as in t-shirt designs intended for sale.
However please note that this license does not transfer proprietary rights for the images to you.
The images can’t be used in projects that don’t comply with the law.
The images can’t be used for political projects or campaigns.
This license covers the terms of the
Regular Commercial License as well.
Please do not hesitate to
ask any further questions if anything remains unclear.
Thank you!