The Google Mastery educational program has been enriched by a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique names, stories, personalities, habits, hairstyles, outfits, facial expressions, poses, and more. As a contributor to the program, I had the pleasure of taking part in the creation and support of these characters.
Below, you will find a selection of character poses that I helped to develop, adding depth and dimension to the program’s visual identity.
A diverse and inclusive lineup of characters has been thoughtfully developed to represent various races, ages, disabilities, and more, with the intention of ensuring global usability. This inclusive approach allows for representation and relatability on a broader scale, enabling people from different backgrounds and experiences to connect with these characters. By embodying a wide range of identities, this lineup aims to foster inclusivity, understanding, and empathy among audiences worldwide.
Each character has been carefully designed with a focus on creating a variety of poses that are effortlessly reusable in different scenes. Extensive effort has been put into ensuring the versatility and adaptability of these poses, allowing them to seamlessly integrate into a range of narratives and situations. By developing a diverse array of poses, this approach maximizes the characters’ flexibility and usability, making them highly adaptable for storytelling across various mediums and platforms. Back to Google Mastery